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Dr. Manuel Arenaz

Appentra Solutions
A Coruña Area, Spain
Dr. Manuel Arenaz is the CEO of APPENTRA Solutions and professor at the University of A Coruña (Spain). He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of A Coruña (2003) on advanced compiler techniques for parallelisation of scientific codes. He is passionate about technology trends in parallel computing related to simplifying the effort that developers face when writing parallel software. Currently, APPENTRA is creating the new PARALLELWARE ANALYZER the first real-time semantic code analysis specialized in parallel programming using OpenMP and OpenACC on GPU-enabled multicore systems. He has wide experience as a speaker in conferences (eg. SC, ISC, OpenPOWER Summit), as a lecturer in parallel programming courses and tutorials at world-class High Performance Computing facilities (eg. NERSC, BSC, LRZ, KAUST), as well as organizer of training activities to help developers write better parallel software faster (eg. CESGAHACK, NERSC Workshops).